TransVerse II: No Time for Silence
We had dysphoria. We had cyberbullies. We had transphobic attacks. We had discrimination, negative media coverage, and multi-year waiting lists for medical care – or, in some cases, no medical care at all. Wasn’t there something else? Ah, yes – a global pandemic…
But we’re back, celebrating our refusal to be erased… with an even bigger and more diverse anthology of poems, song lyrics and life stories by transgender and non-binary writers!
No Time for Silence: Words of Survival, Resilience and Hope, the second anthology in the TransVerse series,brings together 55 amazing writers from four continents – Africa, Australasia, Europe and North America. We hope that in these pages you’ll find inspiration, whatever your gender; solidarity, if you’re trans and/or non-binary; and a deeper insight into the courage and creativity of our global TransVerse family.
We’re in this together. We’ve got this. Stay strong!
#TransPeopleArePeople #PoetryIsPower #WeWontBeErased

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